Halfway Through Sophomore Year…almost.

First off, I’d like to give a shout-out to all those who have stumbled across our blog within the past few days…you helped to push us over 13,000 views. :)  Thanks for taking the time to read our rambling posts…each and every one of you are in my prayers!  Thank you also for all of those who have written to me with questions or just to chat…it is wonderful hearing from you (even if I do take forever to respond!).  Well, to be honest…the “threatening” email wasn’t my favorite one to receive…you must be awfully bored! ;) But thank you to that midshipman for including their IP address with their lovely sentiments…that has come in handy!

Well, official midterm exams are over, the weather is colder and Thanksgiving break is right around the corner (15 days…but who’s counting?!).  Life is good!…although, with the cold weather, I wish I was at home to enjoy the nice, warm fireplace…hmm.  Things are super busy…hence the large gap between posts…but it is probably going to stay this busy until the end of the semester!  I am loving my classes and just completed my registration for next semester.  Many fun and exciting things on the horizon!

I am working two jobs at the moment (not including running my little store):  I am working custodial for my dorm and I am writing about an article a week for a newspaper.  While I have gotten very good at scrubbing showers and toilets, I would have to say that I prefer working as a reporter as opposed to custodial. :)  The little t-shirt business is doing well, thanks to all of you!  I am excited by all the positive feedback!

Oh, and here is my endorsement of ooVoo…it has made life so much nicer!  Compared to occasional letters over the summer, this is verging on spoiling the two of us.  And that is okay with me!  So if you want a suggestion…download ooVoo…it solves most of Bancroft’s “dead-zone” problems!  Haha!

Sean was also able to make a bus trip out here to Steubenville on one of his long weekends…thanks to Navy’s football team who earned a weekend for the Brigade! ;)  That was an absolute blast.  I didn’t think he would be able to see my campus until his Firstie year…but yet, it happened!  I will let him tell you more of his adventures with that trip another time…between the taxi driver and the Greyhound ride…good stories…

By the way, it seems as if they have changed all mailing addresses of the midshipmen.  So if you are curious as to why your mail is taking forever/being sent back…that is probably why!  It is now:

MIDN -/C John Smith
1 Wilson Road # (five digit p.o. box is the same)
Annapolis, MD 21412

Also, lastly….the store is officially back up and running!  Sorry for it being down for such an extended period of time…but we are back! :)

2 thoughts on “Halfway Through Sophomore Year…almost.

  1. I found your blog a few weeks ago and I just want you to know that I adore it! I understand what you’re going through since I date a plebe too and it’s nice to read about other people trying to keep their relationship too.

  2. I just found this website and I adore it! I love hearing the stories, makes me feel better knowing other people are going through the same things as me! I am definitely aiming for the 2 percenter and its not easy but I know its possible :))

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